If you wish to make a donation to the work of the church, the Barnabas Fund or to one of the mission areas we support, please indicate what your donation is for i.e. Mission Partner/BTBC offering/Barnabas Fund etc.
specify if you are Gift Aiding your donation by letting our treasurer know (or by email) do so through your bank if possible:
Bank: Bovey Tracey Baptist Church
Sort code: 30-96-06
Account No: 01136101
Otherwise place your offering in the wooden box which is in the foyer or at the back of the church on Sunday's.

The Barnabus Fund
The BTBC Barnabas Fund was launched in 2022. It has been used to encourage and help people in our community suffering financial hardship. It is available for families and individuals within our fellowship and those in financial deprivation in our local community. In addition to financial support the BTBC Barnabas fund also aims to accompany financial gifts with spiritual support, practical assistance and signposting to local Food schemes.
You can donate to the BTBC Barnabas Fund by placing cash in an envelope marked BTBC Barnabas Fund and put in the offering box on a Sunday morning (if you are able to Gift Aid please also add your name) or give through your bank (see above). If you would like to nominate someone or a family or group to receive support from the Fund or if you are in need yourself, please contact