sunday morning gatherings

Sundays are the day when our church family gathers to worship Jesus, hear from His word and share some family time together.

Every second Sunday we gather around the Lord's Table to celebration communion and every fourth Sunday we begin by enjoying pastries, teas and coffees as we seek to connect as an inter-generational community.

sunday Evenings

Communion (3rd Sunday)

Once a month we will have a quiet, reflective gathering over communion. From 6.30pm

Prayer Meeting (4th Sunday)

Our church prayer meeting gathers to seek His face and His will for our church family. From 6.30pm


Monthly Lunch Gathering

Doors open at 12 noon for lunch of soup and pudding usually accompanied by light live music along with good company, sharing and an enjoyable time.

Normally held on the last Thursday in each month (third Thursday in November & December) - no need to book.

All very welcome!

life groups

We have several Life Groups attached to Bovey Baptist, meeting to encourage one another in faith, in community and seeking the kingdom first.

Contact us to find out where and when our Life Groups meet.

coffee, chat & prayer

A weekly Zoom meeting for coffee chat and prayer. If you haven’t tried it out yet you would be most welcome to join Mark and this group for their weekly meeting at 10.30am on Thursdays from the comfort of your own home. Just grab a coffee (or your preferred beverage) and a bible and Zoom in!

Link available on our church email (contact Jenny).

men's curry night

Run between October – March

Food, fellowship, encouragement once a month on Saturday nights at either the PPT Church Hall or BTBC.

The evenings all start at 7pm until 9pm and cost £7 per person (discount available upon request).

These evenings are to provide an opportunity for men to talk and connect and hear a life story about someone’s Christian experience and walk: feel free to invite a friend.

church meetings

Church Meetings are held six times a year, one of which is our Annual General Meeting.

Meetings have an agenda which includes times of worship and prayer and discussion of any matters affecting the life and activities of the Church. Minutes are taken.

Additional Special Church Members’ Meetings can be arranged if required.

Alpha Course

Starts Wednesday 17th April, 7pm

All welcome!

There are questions about life we all share: ‘Is this it? Where have I come from? Where am I heading? Who am I? What’s the point of my life? Is there any real meaning and purpose to life?’

Jesus claimed to be the way, to bring purpose and direction in life, ie it’s relevant. Jesus claimed to be the truth, there are good reasons for believing – ie it’s true. Jesus claimed to be the life; sets us free to enjoy a relationship that is fulfilling and life-giving – ie it’s exciting.

Alpha is an opportunity to explore these claims, to share what you think, and to explore these questions for yourself. There’s no pressure, come and go as you please but each talk builds on the previous one.

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